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Registered Nurse (Schedule A)

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) adjudicates Applications for Permanent Employment Certification, also referred to as permanent labor certifications. For certain occupations, DOL has predetermined there are not sufficient U.S. workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available pursuant to regulation. These occupations are referred to as Schedule A occupations.

The U.S. employer submits an uncertified application for permanent labor certification to USCIS at the time of filing the Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers (Form I-140), and USCIS reviews the application for permanent labor certification during the adjudication of the petition. USCIS applies DOL’s regulations to the application for permanent labor certification regarding whether or not the employer and beneficiary have met certain requirements, and USCIS’ regulations to the petition.

The fact that a petitioner can establish eligibility under DOL’s regulations only means that the permanent labor certification requirement is met. It does not mean that the beneficiary is eligible for the requested immigrant visa classification.

A professional nurse is a person who applies the art and science of nursing which reflects comprehension of principles derived from the physical, biological, and behavioral sciences. Professional nursing generally includes making clinical judgments involving the observation, care and counsel of persons requiring nursing care; administering of medicines and treatments prescribed by the physician or dentist; and participation in the activities for the promotion of health and prevention of illness in others.

A program of study for professional nurses generally includes theory and practice in clinical areas such as obstetrics, surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, and medicine. Officers should compare the duties of the proffered position with the duties stated in the definition of “professional nurse” in determining whether the proffered position qualifies as that of a professional nurse. The classification for which the nurse is eligible depends on whether the position requires, and the beneficiary has, an advanced degree.


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